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[vdr] Re: Is mhwepg working?

Christian Holpert wrote:
Am i doing something wrong or did they change the format of the epg?

tested yesterday: sky italy and digital+ worked for me like described.

cd /path/to/mhwepg
./ -d localhost -p 2001 -s S13.0E -f 11880

No initial tuning necessary.
That's becaues does that by itself.
With which version of dvb and how long does it take? (after 10 minutes I stopped it).
I put in the program a printf of strerror(errno) and it's always "Value too large for defined data type" that should correspond to EOVERFLOW. In fact if I load the module with debug enabled that's what I'm getting.
I looked at cvs and I don't see significant changes from 1.1.1 to current cvs in dmxdev. I also tried to increase DVR_BUFFER_SIZE with no result (I don't get the "buffer overflow" log message but still the EOVERFLOW).

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