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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.12 buffer optimizations

Am 19.09.2004 um 18:11 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:

Sorry, there's no new version of VDR yet, but I've done some
optimizing on the buffer handling in cRemux, which appears to
avoid buffer overflows when several recordings are done.
Will the "cDVBTuner Patch" be in one of the next Dev. VDR Versions? That patch cured ALL my fw_cmd_idle errors (AKA UPT Error) completely. It now runs absolutely stable. Before the patch, i had black screens when switching channels every now and then, only restarting VDR and reinserting ttpci module could make VDR go back to work.

Please consider including that patch in one of the next Dev Versions.

Ciao, Dominique

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