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[vdr] Re: two VDR boxes

Andreas Breitenbach <> uttered the following thing:
> Hi,
> Lauri Tischler wrote:
> > Is there any reason why following would not work
> > - primary main VDR box with large /video directories
> > - secondary VDR (in bedroom) without /video,
> >    /video is nfs-mounted from primary box.
> One easy solution would be cross mounting the video directory to each
> other:
>     LR-VDR                               BR-VDR
>     /video0          ------------------> /video0/LR-VDR
>     /video0/BR-vdr   <-----------------  /video0
> With that you can watch and record on both without interference and
> you have access to all recordings.

Crossmounting boxes tends to be a very bad idea. It makes each box
dependent on the other, and things such as reboots, etc become very

If your boxes are stable, it might be ok, but still something to be very
careful with.


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