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[vdr] Re: two VDR boxes

> Interesing to hear as I'm still planning and testing something alike.
me too :)
> How do you handle config / epg data?
> Did you patch vdr to put the epg data into a different directory than
> /video on the server?
> How do you manage the timers? Is there a patch for streamdev to put
> timers onto the server?
> Or do you record with the clients into the mounted /video of the server?
> (Something I do not want to do since I'll be using wlan and this would
> be a waste of bandwith).
> kind regards Philip

You probably want to do the same thing as I: set timers on the client and have 
the server record it. 
So I would be glad to hear if you or anyone else has a simple solution to 
First I thought of shared config files like timers.conf, but that doesnt work 
because the server vdr would not be aware of any 'external' changes made by 
the client. 
I thought of using a perl script for example, that watches the clients 
timers.conf for changes (by utilising fam, there is a nice perl modul for 
that) and then sends the timer entries via svdrp to the server. Kinda 
hacky :) but it could work. However, I never digged into this any further.

I would prefer a simple 'remote-timer' feature inside the VDR core.
The timer menu could be extended by one entry which would describe on which 
machine the recording should be done. If it is set to a remote machine, then 
the entry could be sent via svdrp to the specified computer. All this could 
be done inside VDR with some simple patches I think (optimisticly). 
Or extend the timer menu in a way that you directly modify the remote 
timers.conf instead of the local one. 
As to EPG, I think that there is no urgend need to have a shared epg. any 
client can have its own file in its private config dir for example.
and the video dirs can of course be shared via nfs so all recordings are 
available to any clients.

As I see it, the only problem is handling the timers. (and have the 
channels.conf in sync on all VDRs, but that can be done manually)

So is anyone volunteering to dig into the timer handling issue ? :)
my c++ is rather limited...

greetings  Tom

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