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[vdr] Re: EPG summary descriptions off by one when using timer

C.Y.M wrote:
I have started to notice that when using vdr-1.3.12, the descriptions of my recordings are actually descriptions of the previous show (when I look at the "summary" of something in the recordings menu). If I manually record something, the EPG description summary is correct. This seems to only be a problem if I set a recording on a timer. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

I also failed to mention that when I look at the EPG for "Now/Next", there is usually a timer indicator representing a "t" that is displayed next to the shows that are to be recorded. Well, VDR is displaying two indicators when I set a timer, one on the show to be recorded plus the previous show. Its like VDR cant tell if the timer indicator should be for the beginning of the new show or end of the previous one.

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