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[vdr] Re: non-transparent osd skin

Torgeir Veimo wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 14:52 +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Torgeir Veimo wrote:
> > > I've put an image up on to illustrate.
> > So basically you have an OSD that is not able to do alpha blending, right?
> > Well, wouldn't it then be better to modify this (one!) OSD so that it does
> > dithering, instead of modifying (many!) skin plugins?
> Indeed, I'm just not too familiar with vdr internals yet. And I don't
> know how to fixup text after it is drawn to avoid jagged edges.

Just take a look at what's done in VDR/dvbosd.c.
cDvbOsd is derived from cOsd and implements what it takes
to get the bitmap(s) displayed on the screen. Your implemenation
of a derived cOsd class may do different things, but eventually
it will send the bitmap data to some display facility in the
Flush() function. There you can do your dithering stuff first.

If you need full control over text drawing, you can implement
the DrawText() function as well.


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