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[vdr] How to get vdr into NTSC mode?


linux kernel 2.4.26,
vdr 1.2.6
nexus-s card.
North America, NTSC, circular polarization, etc.

I try running vdr with "./runvdr -D 0" to see what will happen. I kept seeing noise/snow
on the tv. I have the rgb outputs plugged into the tv. Finally, I thought that I'd try
a different (dummer) tv, and now I see the WriteText messages on the screen, but the
screen is scrolling and is mostly unreadable. I think that this might be what PAL looks like
to a NTSC tv, just guessing though. I greped through the source code and found 2 places where
PAL is hard coded in device.c and dvbdevice.c. I changed the vsPAL's to vsNTSC's and compiled and
re-ran vdr. But I see no difference. Does changing the hard-coded vsPAL's to vsNTSC's cause
the software to put the card in NTSC mode? How can I get this to work?


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