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[vdr] Re: VDR commits ritual suicide on HD signal to FF card

Michal Dobrzynski wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to be able to record HD transmissions on my VDR box using
> the usual procedures but I would like to PREVENT the display of said
> transmissions on a per channel basis.
> The primary problem is that once a recording of a HD signal commences
> my dual budget DVB-T system with FF DVB-S card for output will send the
> HD data to the FF card which will go nuts with firmware errors to the
> extent that the computer MUST be rebooted in order to for VDR to become
> usable again.
> Could a method for marking un-decodable channels be added to VDR?
> Ideally this method could also tag the recordings made from such
> channels in the same manner (ie. This channel/recording contains a HD
> video stream. Are you sure you wish to continue?" and have this feature
> triggered when appropriate (primary output is a FF card) or when
> enabled by the user.
> Am I thinking about this the right way or am I completely off?

Implementing such a method would only prevent the symptoms, but
wouldn't cure the cause. What if a new channel with HDTV comes
up? The first time you switch to it, it would crash again.

The best way to fix this would be to make the driver/firmware more
robust, so that it doesn't crash in the first place.


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