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[vdr] Re: VDR commits ritual suicide on HD signal to FF card

Hi Klaus,

Thanks for the great work with VDR.

Such a solution may be the best solution. But is it going to happen? If not then curing the symptoms is the only thing that can be done in the meantime.

I don't automatically add channels in my system so that particular problem wouldn't affect me. The workaround to the problem could further be improved by channels which are added automatically being marked as potentially HD.

At any rate it could be done so that a single config option (ie HD incompatible output device = yes) could set these behaviors such that the workaround was robust.

The problem is real and the best solution seems unlikely given that the firmware isn't opensource. How could this be done in the firmware anyway? What exactly can the decoder on a FF card handle? Can it do 720x576p (defined as HD in Australia) ?

I don't know what the actuall limitations are, and whether possibly adding more RAM to the card would enhance its decoding capabilities (ie reducing all HD to 720x567i). If so then I would even be interested in that money pit given that there don't seem to be any other real solutions to TV out :/

Michal Dobrzynski

On 19/10/2004, at 5:42 PM, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Michal Dobrzynski wrote:


I would like to be able to record HD transmissions on my VDR box using
the usual procedures but I would like to PREVENT the display of said
transmissions on a per channel basis.

The primary problem is that once a recording of a HD signal commences
my dual budget DVB-T system with FF DVB-S card for output will send the
HD data to the FF card which will go nuts with firmware errors to the
extent that the computer MUST be rebooted in order to for VDR to become
usable again.

Could a method for marking un-decodable channels be added to VDR?
Ideally this method could also tag the recordings made from such
channels in the same manner (ie. This channel/recording contains a HD
video stream. Are you sure you wish to continue?" and have this feature
triggered when appropriate (primary output is a FF card) or when
enabled by the user.

Am I thinking about this the right way or am I completely off?
Implementing such a method would only prevent the symptoms, but
wouldn't cure the cause. What if a new channel with HDTV comes
up? The first time you switch to it, it would crash again.

The best way to fix this would be to make the driver/firmware more
robust, so that it doesn't crash in the first place.


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