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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine on gentoo ?

On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 03:43:23PM +0200, Christian Gmeiner wrote:

> Have you tried the vdr-xine ebuild from portage (

No :-)

Where to find an howto to ?
Is this a server with specific vdr files ?

Why not pushing those to mainline servers ?

Should I change my GENTOO_MIRRORS ?
Right now I use :

The site don't seems to be VDR specific, could
someone clarify the situation ?

Under there are lots of small docs, but none that I really
found perfect to use...

Right now I just compil vdr and plugins from source (not ebuild), for
example emerge -va vdr shows only masked package, and only vdr till
1.2.6, and even worse, it has only KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc", no ~amd64...

I also only use 2.6 kernels, unmasking and keyworking vdr, then it want
to install linuxdvb...

Sorry for those stupid questions, but maybe I am not the only gentoo
user that don't take the ebuild because of bad knownledge ?
	Grégoire Favre
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