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[vdr] Re: Interlacing

In <>, Torgeir Veimo wrote:

> On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 14:15 +0100, Tony Houghton wrote:
> > 
> > I think my only solution might be to ditch the Voodoo and get an
> > NVidia
> > or ATI for decent hardware deinterlacing, but the reason I got the
> > Voodoo was because of the poor quality of my existing ATI card. I
> > heard
> > NVidias are slightly better, so I'll try looking on eBay for an old
> > slow
> > one with a good brand. But one disadvantage of NVidias over ATIs is
> > that
> > they're more inclined to come with a nasty little fan.
> If you really want good video output using vdr, then just get a dxr3, it
> will lower cpu usage as well.

I did get one from eBay a while ago, but I couldn't get the TV out to
work, only the sound. However, it was falsely described as new & sealed
and was lacking the pass-through cable etc, and the seller refused a
refund until I got PayPal involved, so it was probably faulty and he
knew it.

Can I run X (preferably at 800x600) on my existing graphics card and
display it on my TV by passing it through the DXR3? And using the MPEG
driver will override the pass-through? If so that would be perfect.
I've been offered a Hollywood card, which is the same thing, complete
with pass-through cable, for £15.

TH *

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