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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.14

On Friday 29 Oct 2004 14:16, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Laurence Abbott wrote:
> > Hmmm...I'm starting to think that the new buffer-handling routines are
> > mores sensitive to artifacts in the signal due to weather, etc.
> I don't think that the changes to the buffer handling could cause this.
> However, I did refurbish the code in cRemux that detects frame borders
> (and thus picture types). Maybe I broke something in there...

That's probably what I actually meant :-s

Just looking through remux.c now. Do you have any good URLs for info on these 
DVB streams so I can see what it is doing?

> > I've found the //#define DEBUGRINGBUFFERS bit in ringbuffer.h but I'm
> > not really sure what the output means to try to debug this!
> This prints a visual display of all ringbuffers, which is rather
> helpful when testing buffer handling.

What should this output be like, ideally? At present, it spews out many lines, 
i.e. several screens full, to start with, with the head and tail pointers 
generally moving progressively to the right:

 0 >--------------------------------------------       -1       -1 Transfer
 1 >--------------------------------------------       -1       -1 Result
 2 -<>------------------------------------------    11280      188 TS

 0 ------<*>------------------------------------      188    55084 Transfer
 1 ------->-------------------------------------     2048     5906 Result
 2 --------->-----------------------------------    11280      188 TS

 0 -------->------------------------------------      188    55460 Transfer
 1 ---------------->----------------------------     2048     4096 Result
 2 --------->-----------------------------------    10716      188 TS

 0 -------->------------------------------------      188    55460 Transfer
 1 ---------------->----------------------------     2048     4096 Result
 2 --------->-----------------------------------    10716      188 TS

 0 -------->------------------------------------      188    55460 Transfer
 1 ---------------->----------------------------     2048     4096 Result
 2 ---------<>----------------------------------    11280      188 TS


After a while it will sit there for several minutes without outputting any 
more lines before spewing out another large number of lines before settling 
again. (I'm assuming that this is real and not some bizarre buffering of 
stdout!). Similar things are seen during record and playback, e.g.:

 0 --------------------------------<>-----------      188    54708 Recorder
 1 ----------------------------------<********>-     2048     4096 Result
 2 -------------------------------------<>------    10528      188 TS

 0 ------------------------------------->-------      188    54896 Recorder
 1 ----------------------------------<*********>     2048    18432 Result
 2 ---->----------------------------------------    11468      188 TS

 0 ----------------------------------------->---      188    55084 Recorder
 1 ------------------------<*********>----------     2048     2048 Result
 2 --------------<>-----------------------------    11092      188 TS

 0 <>-------------------------------------------      188    54896 Recorder
 1 -------------------------<********>----------     2048    14336 Result
 2 -------------------------<>------------------    10528      188 TS

 0 ----->---------------------------------------      188    54708 Recorder
 1 -------------------------<********>----------     2048     2048 Result
 2 ------------------------------------->-------    10528      188 TS

 0 ---------<>----------------------------------      188    54896 Recorder
 1 -------------------------<********>----------     2048    16679 Result
 2 --->-----------------------------------------    11468      188 TS

 0 -------------->------------------------------      188    54708 Recorder
 1 -------------------------<********>----------     2048     2048 Result
 2 --------------<>-----------------------------    11280      188 TS

(Are the *s bad?!)

Is this the expected bahaviour, or should it just output one set on going ot 
transfer, playback, or record?



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