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[linux-dvb] Old and new DVB API: Differences? Porting Howto?


After some browsing through the READMEs and other information I found
within the DVB and VDR directories and in the mailing list archive,
I would like to verify my understanding:

 - there are two different APIs (application programmer interfaces)
   to access the DVB hardware.  An older one, which is currently used 
   by VDR and by the DVB/apps/gVideo application and a newer one, which 
   is used by DVB/apps/tuxzap, tuxview and ntuxplayer.  
 - Applications using the older API use the DVB devices exclusively, so that
   it is impossible to run VDR in parallel with for example tuxview.
 - If tuxview and vdr should run in parallel, vdr must be ported to the
   new API first.
 - Viewing VDR needs a TV connected to video output of a DVB-S card.
   Viewing on the computer monitor is currently no possible.

Please correct me, if I'm wrong.  I would also like to know, if anybody
is already working on this and how hard this would be.  
Another (maybe newbie) question: Would the hardware allow to view 
the OSD (on screen display) overlay of VDR within a tuxview window?

Thanks in advance, Peter.

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