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[linux-dvb] VDR channel switching more stable!!

Somebody here on the list (sorry, can't remember who it was),
wrote that the problems we are all having with switching channels in
VDR might have to do with the automatic FEC detection of the driver
or firmware.

I have added the following code to dvbapi.c, which sets the FEC-values
accordingly for each channel. I have the feeling that this has made
channel switching more stable.

Now, before I add an FEC parameter to channels.conf I would
appreciate if some of you out there could verify this.

Note that this workaround requires the original channels.conf that
comes with the VDR archive. If you are using a modified channels.conf
you may have to adjust the channel numbers in the 'case' statements
according to your setup.

Please let me know whether or not this changes anything on your system.

--- dvbapi.c    2001/07/22 12:18:29     1.87
+++ dvbapi.c    2001/07/26 16:11:17
@@ -2154,6 +2154,19 @@
      qpsk.iFrequency = freq * 1000UL;
      qpsk.SymbolRate = Srate * 1000UL;
      qpsk.FEC_inner = FEC_AUTO;
+     switch (ChannelNumber) {
+       case 18 ... 19:
+       case 30:
+       case 33 ... 38:
+       case 74:
+       case 188 ... 190:
+       case 192:
+       case 194 ... 196:
+            qpsk.FEC_inner = FEC_5_6;
+            break;
+       default:
+            qpsk.FEC_inner = FEC_3_4;
+       }

      int volt = (Polarization == 'v' || Polarization == 'V') ? SEC_VOLTAGE_13 : SEC_VOLT


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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