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[linux-dvb] VDR commands.conf


Im going to add some useful commands into my commands.conf file.
below are the entries I think to add.
does anybody have some additional suggestions?

1. output of `sensors` from lm_sensors package (only the temperatures and
   fan rotatian speeds, piped through grep and sed)

2. tail -n100 /var/log/messages

3. init 3/2
   SuSE uses this to enable/disable network

4. shutdown -h (5, 10, 20, 30, 45 min, 1,2,3,4,5,10,24 hours)
   shutdown -c
   to be able to shut down the box after the timer is finished.
   and to be able to cancel that shutdown.

5. du -s /var/videos/*
   df /var/videos
   (one could set a variable $VIDEO_DIR in runvdr and use it instead.)
   this I'm going to use for looking for file sizes of different
   this may break in the future since Klaus is implementing a new
   hierarchical directory structure for storing the recordings.

   @Klaus: is it possible to write the recording size behind its name in
   the recordins menu?
   and maybe the free disk space available at the moment (under the
   recordings list?), i. e.

   18.08. 19:30 VOX                                        (30MB)
   18.08. 22:30 SAT 1                                   (1.400MB)
     total free space on the video disks available: 23.537 MB

   (this 'feature' may be en-/disableable from the setup menu)

if it was possible to pass some arguments to the command in the same way
like editing channal names, one could specify the real shutdown time in
the command 4 above or specify how many lines to read from
/var/log/messages or to use the /dev/nvram for setting wakeup time like
told us by Frank Klingenhoefer some days ago.

@Frank: I suppose you are using this nvram feature. could you post a
program which could read/write the specified bytes into/from /dev/nvram?
I know that I would check the byte addresses first for my board and bios
and eventually alter the adresses.

more general, there could be a colored button in the commands menu for
specifying a whole command to be executed. (sure, it would open a security
hole since any command could be executed with the rights of the user vdr
is running with.) maybe its not such a good idea.

Again, any hints on some useful commands for command.conf are welcome.
thaks in advance.

c ya

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