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[linux-dvb] remote control with rev 1.3??

Joerg Riechardt writes:
 > Hello,
 > I would like to use the remote control via the internal connector, I
 > have rev 1.3.
 > Should the patch for the rev 2.1 work for that? Or not?

It never worked for me with the rev. 1.3 card.
That's why infra-red support took so long. I never could get it 
to work before I got a rev. 2.1 card. 
When it immediately worked with the new card I just assumed the 
IR receiver on my CI interface module is broken. 
Would be interesting to hear if anybody had success with a rev. 1.3
card yet.

 > Until now I got neither of the patches to work, but maybe I did
 > something wrong.

Are you seeing any lines starting with:

dvb: ircommand = ...

in your kernel logs? 
It does not matter if the driver has the patch installed. 
This message should appear with any recent driver if IR signals
are received. 


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