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[linux-dvb] Settings to mux video and audio

Hi Klaus,

can you help me?
I must mux an audio and video stream my problem is, i don't know what
settings VDR need to play the MPEG-Stream.

I use to multiplex a windows-tools it's name is bbmpeg.
The following settings are available:
Checkboxes: VBR, Add SVCD scan offsets, User Private Stream2, Write
programm end code, Align sequence headers
Checked are all instead of "add SVCD scan offsets"

Other settings are: timestamps - all frame, iframe and I and P frame
Pulldown: 2:3, 3:2, Auto

Pack options:
Size(bytes): 2048
Packets/pack: 1

Buffer sizes(KB):
Video: 232
Audio1: 4
Audio2: 4

It seems that the settings are not correct.
Can you say me what settings i need.

Maybe the settings of the packsizes is incorrect.

I test pvastrumento and demultiplex a file and multiplex it with bbmepg
but i have the same problem, sound is ok but no picture.


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