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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB card / video but no sound Penso)  26.09.01 16:42

Once upon a time Fabien Penso shaped the electrons to say...

>I installed my DVB card, I use tuxzap to choose the channel to look.
>It works fine. I use xawtv to watch the video stream, works perfect
>but ... I have no sound at all.

>The audio device works, cat <file> > /dev/dsp gives me some noise, and
>mpg123, xmms, etc works too. 

>May someone have an idea where I should look ? 

Where do you hear the sound?

You must connect an amplifier(!) to the DVB card, 
not just "passive" speakers.
Try a head phone, to hear at least a small bit.

>I know the sound is coming, someone else tried here with a
>control monitor to be sure we were getting some.

>Am I missing something here ?

What kind of DVB-board do you have?


The 1.5 (=SkyStar1) has another sound chip and you must 
tell the driver to use that chip.

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