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[linux-dvb] Re: Dvb in uk

> In the UK, again you have little choice...
> The de facto card is the Hauppauge Nova-T retailing from and the 
> like for about £100 inc. VAT.  It's a budget card. If you want a full-feature 
> DVB-T card, Hauppauge can get them for you if you ask them directly.

	The DVB-T card has been one of my favourite additions to this Linux box 
apart from my BT dongle.  The picture and sound quality are fantastic! 
And it's quite neat watching / recording multiple channels at the same 
time, for example Independence Day and Little Voice this evening :o) 
The 2002-Oct-10 DVB CVS has been working very sweetly for me and I am 
currently kindling a worrying QVC addiction -- damn them and their damn 
micro fibre towels!

> This is stuff specific to VDR, but there's nothing to stop you from using a 
> budget card and using MPlayer / Xine to view the MPEG2 streams.. 
> Of course, that's not really a comfortable solution for watching TV from your 
> armchair :)

	Never tried pumping MPlayer via my TV out as yet (not owning a TV playing 
some role in this), however do I control my viewing experience from bed 
with BT enabled PDA and some scripted Perl webpages >:o)

Anyway, time to catch up on today's Neighbours (at least it's not "Fame 

Happy New Year Everyone!

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