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[linux-dvb] Re: New twist on nova-s/stv0299 issue

I'm trying to build a VDR without a full featured card, so I do not own a Nexus (and therefore don't have the option to play with the order of driver loading). The problem is that the card doesn't provide any data at all (if windows was not started before).

I also don't think that there is a tuner problem because the card tunes correctly in any case (at least it reports so)

Olaf Titz schrieb:

A number of messages from some months ago here indicate that there is
a problem with new versions of the stv0299 tuner hardware as found on
recent Hauppauge Nova-S cards. I've not found a message indicating if
this has been fixed, but the following experience:

I have one of these cards and a Nexus-S rev. 2.1. Both use the stv0299
frontend. If I load the ttpci driver first, I get problems with the
second card, i.e. VDR trying to record from the Nova, records nothing
and exits with "Broken video stream" errors.
If I load the budget_ci driver first, all works well.

Incidentally, loading the budget_ci driver first also avoids the crash
in the i2c code when loading the other driver after the frontend. So
the cause for that could be in budget_ci rather than stv0299.


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