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[vdr] max lifetime and min lifetime for recordings


As  the  most  of you know, vdr has a "lifetime" setting for each timer,
that  is  the  guaranteed  time  that the recording isn't deleted by vdr
after the recording event.

Personally, I would have another "max lifetime" function and now
I'm thinking generally about what is useful and what the most of the
vdr users could use:

1. "Min  lifetime": That is the one that's implemented in vdr. It's the
   amount  of  days  that vdr won't delete the recording by itself.
   If  diskspace  is  running  low,  vdr  deletes  recordings  who's min
   lifetime  is  over.  If it doesn't found such a recording, it doesn't
   delete one. Then, vdr won't record a new video, I think.

   The  idea for this option (I think) is that vdr tries to keep as many
   recordings  as  the  harddisk  can  store (if the user doesn't delete
   one).  If diskspace is needed for a new recording, then an old one is
   deleted. The option says, which one.

2. "Max lifetime": This isn't implemented yet, but I would like to have
   it in vdr.
   This  option  would mean that vdr kills a recording after this amount
   of days - the free diskspace doesn't matter.
   If  I  set  a  daily timer  with max lifetime = 1 (e.g. Tagesschau),
   I have exactly one such recording every time.

   The  idea  and  use case for this option (for me) is to have only one
   Tagesschau  at  one time (or more generally, only COUNT recordings of
   one type).
   Without  this  option  (now),  my  harddisk is big enough for several
   Tagesschau-recordings  and when I look at the recordings list, I have
   "half  the  list  full"  of Tagesschau entries if I don't delete some

So  now  I'd  like  to  know  who of you find this second (max lifetime)
option  useful  just  as  me  and if Klaus can implement it. I think, it
wouldn't  be  too  difficult, that's not the point. The more interesting
thing is if it is useful enough for implementing it.

If  I'm  the  only  one  in the world who uses this, I can make a simple
script    "test-delete-recording   RECDIR   DAYS"  thats started by cron
and  tests  how  old  a recording is and deletes it.

Bye, Uwe.

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