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[vdr] Re: TITLE+EPISODE macro, options menu

Uwe Freese wrote:
> Hello Klaus,
> Another option is obsolete, I think, and to recap:
> (-) MarkInstantRecord              not nessessary when adding @ to
>                                    character set
> (-) UseSubtitle                    not nessassary because user can
>                                    use subtitles in timer names by
>                                    using the EPISODE keyword

I don't think that this one is obsolete, because then the user would
be FORCED to explicitly edit the file name of any such timer. The way it
is now, you can simply create a timer via the "Schedules" menu, change
the "Day" to, e. g., "--M----" and you have a periodic timer which
automatically adds the episode name.


> (+) NoTitleString                  should be added to be used as
> (+) NoEpisodeString                replacement for the TITLE and
>                                    EPISODE keywords when the appropriate
>                                    EPG data is not available,
>                                    CHANNEL should be keyword (the only
>                                    one here) for the channel name
> Bye, Uwe.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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