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[vdr] Re: AC3 over DVB-s is possible - Part2

"Gernot A. Weber" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some audio breaks, too. I wanted to edit the file mentioned two
> lines further down...
> > 1. Open the file ./VDR/ac3dec/decode.c
> > You will find two defines with #define AC3OUT --> rename both defines like this
> > #define AC3OUTXXX

Sorry, what I mean was to change the #ifdef !!!!!! (to much workload today)

> But I couldn't find the two defines. A "grep -r AC3OUT ." gives:
> ./Makefile:DEFINES += -DAC3OUT
> ./decode.c:#ifdef AC3OUT
> ./decode.c:#endif // AC3OUT
> ./decode.c:#ifdef AC3OUT
> But I shouldn't change the ifdef, should I?

Yes, of course, afterwards you will get the PCM samples of the AC3 decoder.
Are there really any audio breaks ?
How long is the time between two breaks (minutes, seconds).
All of this stuffs points to an buffer underflow/overflow situation in the output
thread construction.
How is your CPU workload ?


> Best wishes,
>    Gernot Weber
> --
> Gernot A. Weber
> Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
> on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.
>                               Linus Torvalds, after a hard drive crash

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