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[vdr] Re: Maxtor 160 GB

Ralf Spitzauer wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: []On Behalf Of
>>Andreas Schultz
>>Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 12:07 PM
>>Subject: [vdr] Re: Maxtor 160 GB
>>So, you have 2 choices, get
>>and either:
> rc1.02152002.patch.bz2
> Now Iīve built a new kernel 2.4.18 and it works with a few problems (some
> modules not found). But the patch donīt work. I think for the

you probaly left some config options out, or set them to 'Y' instead of 'M'.

> ide.2.4.18-rc1.02152002.patch I need the kernel 2.4.18-rc1, but I canīt find
> it. The only thing I can find is a patch-2.4.18-rc1, but I donīt know which
> kernel I have to patch to get a 2.4.18-rc1. Unfortunatly there is even no
> ide.2.4.18.patch available.

sorry, i thought the rc1 patch didn't touch the ide stuff, but 
apparently it did. you can use the patch-2.4.18-rc1 ontop of a clean 
2.4.18 kernel, an then apply the ide patch.

> Does everybody know if the ide.2.4.16.patch include the lba48 patch?
> Then I can use the Suse kernel update 2.4.16 and then this patch.

no it doesn't, i cheched before writing the original mail

> Thanks a lot for helping
> Ralf

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