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[vdr] vdr not reading .lircrc ?

I have been using vdr for a few weeks now and I must say it
is a wonderful program.

However there is a little problem with the lirc support.
I can't find an option to make it read my ~/.lircrc.
Sorry if i missed something in the documentation, but I
think it would be more convenient to have key names read from a
normal lirc-configuration file instead of the config.c that
needs to be re-edited when compiling a new vdr version.

But more important for me is that the number of keys on my
remote is limited, so I normally have different modes defined.
Now when I press keys that are meant for xmms or mplayer
or whatever they do not interfere with each other, but unfortunately
vdr doesn't know about all that and always responds to pressed
keys (for example:
I want to pause xmms -> xmms does that + vdr stops recording)

Is there a way to make vdr behave like other programs with
lirc support, or would it be possible to add support for that?

Thank you very much for the great program,

Andreas Lange

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