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[vdr] Re: Does VDR prevent HDD from spindown?

there are several things going on in vdr that do write periodically to 
disk. if you have the mp3 extension, it saves a cache of the ID3 tags. vdr 
itself writes the file, the teletext extension writes it's 
teletext pages etc. etc.

I had a noflushd-installation for a long time (until I decided to boot 
that whole vdr thing over the net from my server that resides in the 
basement) but the closest you will get it to, is spin-ups/downs every two 
hours. and that involves a lot (read: really a lot) of fine-tuning like 
putting all relevant things (including vdr itself) into a ram-disk and so 
on (i don't even recall all the settings I had to do to get to those two 

just my two cents. wrote on 09.07.2002 18:52:42:

> Hi all,
> I installed noflushd which spins down the HDD after
> a specified timeout.
> On three of my PC's this works perfect.
> ... BUT ...
> my VDR Machine spins up again every 19(20) minutes.
> This only happens when VDR / runvdr script is running.
> Any ideas which processes/functions inside the VDR
> are scheduled to touch the HDD every 20 minutes ?
> Ralf

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