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[vdr] Re: DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5


what i don't like about the situation is, that you have to configure
your remote according to vdr. not vdr to your remote.
(i know, i can change config.h to match other lircd names)
i'm always changing lircd.conf, not config.h.

for me the situation looks like this:
- there are functions in vdr (vol+ vol- chan+ 1 3 2 record-now ...)
- there are keys on a remote
- what we need is a configurable way to assign keys to functions.
- what we need is a way to handle "overlayed" keys and contexts 
  in an obvious way (eg number-keys vs moving cutting-marks)

this would _not_ mean to make everything configurable!

if we would write down the menu structure with the active keys in the
actual context and the "inherited" keys from parent contexts, we would
have a rather obvious, yet manageable way to let everyone assign "his"
keys to "his" remote.

just my 2cent.

_ plain GmbH_______________________________________________________
  markus schorer              fon 089.540.149.0
  heimeranstrasse 68          fax 089.540.149.44
  80339 münchen     

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