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[vdr] Re: Reference RC (was DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5)

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On 26.07.02 at 12:02 Dariush Forouher wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 10:54, Andreas Lange wrote:
>> Please keep in mind that many lirc users have a configuration where one
>> physical remote button is used for several different programs.
>> For example in my setup the remote-button labelled "Play/Pause" does
>> a play/pause for xmms or mplayer or is vdr's red button or starts/quits 
>> xawtv
>> depending on the lirc mode I have switched to.
>> The current unpatched vdr would now just detect a red button press
>> whenever it is pressed, so if for example I pause mplayer then at the 
>> same time
>> vdr stops recording. To work around that I would have to assign keys
>> exclusively to vdr and have only a few left for the other programs using

>> lirc.
>> With just the learning procedure you describe these problems would
>> continue and working around them is imho more difficult than configuring
>> lirc.
>> Maybe a solution could be to check if the user has set up a
>> and then use it, but if it's not there simply assume vdr is the only
>> listening to lircd and do what you describe above.
>The interesting part of .lircrc is that you can define several modes
>which can be changed by pressing different buttons. What about a lock
>key in vdr that let vdr ignore all pressed buttons until the key is
>pressed another time?
>PGP Fingerprint: 0x886C99A1

The problem with this is that you can't be shure for the state in the
program. I think the best
way is to define keys which are obvious and not like the simple "ok" or
"play" or so. Maybe 
you can define keynames like "vdr-ok", "vdr-left", "vdr-right" and so on or
another possibility 
is to not use such names but the menuentries like "m3f2o2" which should
mean "menu 3 function 2 option 2".
I think this is really abstract but let's open all possibilities for
The biggest advantage is that you can move through the menus with only 6
predefined keys 
(up, left, down, right, ok, esc) and you can also define shortcuts to all
possible menuentries
without going the long way through the menus, if you have enough keys on
your rc naturally.

What i have in mind with this is that i think about to use a PDA for
controlling the VDR-Box. I have
a neat display for navigation and 4 keys plus a cursor cross. Hmm, ok, not
really a PDA but 
close enough. I mean a GBA (Game Boy Advanced). :-) There is no real need
to wait for displaying 
the menu on the TV but i can move through on the PDA and fire up the
command if i have found 
what i need.

BTW, the MP3 playing interface is not very usable. If i like to play a
directory i have to go one level up in the dirstructur.
Why can't i use the (i think) yellow play all button? If i like to play all
files i can go to the root of the structur. 
If i'm playing all files and i don't like only to skip i have to give the
number of the song to jump directly because 
if i use the cursor (up/down) it plays all files i touched. I think it
should be like in the playback menu. Go with
the up/down keys to the file an then press OK or the "right" key to play

What i like to say is some times it is not the worst idea to learn from
business companies like NOKIA. They have 
phones which have also a limited number of keys but there menusystem is by
far the best i know of. There i have 
stolen the idea with the short cuts. ;-) 

I hope that it is understandable what im written here because my very
limited languageknowledge. 

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