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[vdr] AW: Other projects?

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Henric Andersson []
> Gesendet am: Dienstag, 30. Juli 2002 16:16
> An:
> Betreff: [vdr] Other projects?
> After reading about the VDR on 
> and
> recently on slashdot about a computer inside a vcr case, I got very
> interested in building one myself. One thing bothers me 
> though. It seems
> like everyone is using DVB as the source for tv channels. 
> Hasn't anyone
> built a vdr system using analog antenna (ie, using WinTV-pci).

yes, there are windows based solutions (or better patchwork) for WinTV-pci, thigs that record directly in mpeg1/2 or Divx with softwarecompression (PIII 800 or better)

not so well implemented solutions (like vdr) to record analog tv channels are the WinT-PVR (imho not good) or the Vidac´s Vmagic (only a german solution), they have a build in mpeg2-encoder to record to disk and beside the fact that you still have the same picture quality as analog, you will end up with a mpeg1/2 data stream
(DVB stands for Digial Video Broadcast - means they transmit a mpeg2 datastream that can be directly recorded or decoded to a video-out/TV - its realy comletly different from analog stuff like WinTV-pci)

there is a good c´t (THE german computer magazine) article about a multimedia pc controlled with a IR remote (

just have a look at to get a impression what i mean

> Just curious since I don't have digital cable or anything 
> like it, just
> plain tv + cable.
what about a satelite dish?

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