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[vdr] VDR Documentation: Betareaders wanted (En/De)

Hi Folks,

I finally managed to upload the VDR Documentation to my server.

With Klaus' approval, I converted some parts of the Documentation 
(currently version 1.0.4) into the Linuxdoc-SGML format, and translated 
these documents to German.

 From the SGML-Tools Homepage (

  SGMLtools is a text-formatting package based on SGML (Standard 
Generalized Markup Language), which allows you to produce 
TeX/DVI/PS/PDF, HTML, RTF, and plain ASCII (currently via Lynx) from a 
single source; due to the flexible nature of SGML many other target 
formats are possible. As the front-end is written in Python 
<>, it is relatively easy to adapt to your needs.

  This system is tailored for writing technical software documentation, 
an example of which are the Linux HOWTO documents. However, there is 
nothing Linux-specific about this package; it can be used for many other 
types of documentation on many other systems. It should be useful for 
all kinds of printed and online documentation.

  The package was formerly called *Linuxdoc-SGML* because it originates 
from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP). The name has been changed 
into *SGMLtools* to make it clearer that there is no Linux-specific 
stuff included in this package.

For your convinience I already compiled the SGML-source into several 
document formats.
The documents can be viewed at


Currently there are the Manual and Installation Instructions available 
in English and German, plus the Manpages in English (although they 
probably won't be continued in SGML-Format!).

The source for a document is the file with the extension "sgml", with 
this file you can produce the desired output with "sgml2<format> 
<input.sgml" (if you have the sgml-tools installed).
I already made HTML, Postscript, PDF and ASCII with groff extensions 
(looks nice if viewed at the console).

The  content of the documents (Manual, Installation) is always the same 
since they're being built from one source file.

  !!! Please read those documents and report errors, typos or whatever 
back to me :-)  !!!

For the German translation I'm wrinting in German now since this 
probably only interests us German readers ;-)

Wer die deutsche Übersetzung lesen will, sollte sich darauf gefasst 
machen üble Sätze vorgesetzt zu bekommen :D

Ich betrachte die Übersetzung als (noch) nicht gelungen. Ich bitte daher 
um Unterstüzung: lest was ich da fabriziert habe und meldet mir bitte 
alle Tippfehler, Ungereimtheiten, Inkonsitenzen in der Schreibweise 
(z.B. fett, kursiv usw), Abweichungen von Benennungen von 
Spezialbegriffen, Unverständliches oder Rechtschreibfehler (bin nicht 
sehr stark was kommaregeln oder scharf-s anbelangt :p ).
Welche Sätze sind zu lang, umständlich oder unvollständig, würdet Ihr 
was anders/besser/leichter formulieren?

Wenn Ihr irgendwas besser wisst oder schreiben würdet: lasst es mich 


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