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[vdr] Re: Some questions about plugin-features of vdr-developer...

Hi Klaus,

First of all I would like to take a moment and praise your work
on the VDR soft.  Personally, "I" would rather use a Windoz
soft, simply because Windows can't shock me anymore, as I
have fiddeld with $M Windows since it's 2.0 release (if anyone
can remember that far back ;o)), but noone makes a VDR soft
for Windoze, which is as good as your VDR soft ;o)). So I guess
I will have to learn some Linux now (bloody Linux noob).

I have been reading the vdr list and gathering as much info
as I can. On one of my internet searches I found a patch called
"patch.93.diseq12.gz" I canīt remember where I downloaded
it. I only have the authors email ;o(( and I don't know if it is
still valid. Furthermore, I have NO idea, if this patch will still
work with the current version of VDR.

Anyway, to get to the point: As you are changing some plugin
possibilities, would it be possible for you to add a DISEQC
V1.2 (or even better USALS) control plugin for a motor dish
(Iīm using a STAB HH100)?

Interesting would be the following (all of which are standard
diseqc 1.2 commands):

- Satellite position included in the channel.conf
- Storing channels in satellite groups (i.e. all Astra channels are stored
  in the group Astra)

- Moving the motor continiously East or West
- Moving the motor per degrees (as keyboard input "x" degrees)
- Moving the motor in increments (push of a key results in a small movement)
- Zeroing the motor
- Setting East / West limits
- Removing East / West limits
- Storing sat positions
- "Goto Satellite" function
- Goto "x" degrees function
- Recalculating sat positions
- maybe autofucosing *

*i.e. reading and comparing signal strength and fine tuning automatically
 something for the really lazy ;o)

Many thanks and greetz,

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