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[vdr] Re: split up channels.conf

Hi List,

Klaus wrote:

KS> I can't see why everybody is routing towards a centralized channels.conf file.
KS> The channels.conf file is a user defined setup file, just as the timers.conf is.

  It's simply a different point of view. Is it really good that a user
  defined setup file holds this kind of data? There is only one
  functional frequency,VPID,.. for every channel; the only thing a
  user can really change is the order of the channels. So, this setup
  file should only hold the "id" of a channel and maybe things like
  channel-number, a user defined name,... Things that the user can

KS> VDR simply provides a channels.conf as a starting point. You're free to rearrange
KS> the channels, add or delete them as you wish. Sources on the Internet or wherever
KS> else can provide channel definitions that you can incorporate into your channels.conf
KS> file, if you like.

  I spent hours to collect different APID, TPID and some
  Hotbird-channels from all over the internet. IMHO it would be nice
  to have a "standard" channels-database that is maintained by
  someone, we could announce changes (like new channels...) and share
  our work here.

  The "arbitrary string"-idea (Klaus mentioned it before) sounds
  really good, maybe this field could also hold a "pointer" to an
  entry in the channels-database. This way, there would be
  compatibility to older versions and everyone can decide to use the
  database or user defined values...

Best regards,

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