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[vdr] Re: autostart for VDR

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On 08.10.02 at 14:43 domolink morocco wrote:

>re Hi all,
>Just a hint for a poow new beeeeeeee ;)
>I am trying to start VDR 1.04 as a daemon on a peanut os and the devil is
>cycling through and through restarting (thanx to tty2 ;) kill the motha
>f..... ;) ) I tried the two following hints but with no success
>hint 1:
>in /etc/inittab
>c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
>replaced by:
>or by
>c1:2345:respawn:/usr/local/bin/runvdr   #whilecopying runvdr script in
>hint 2:
>cd /etc edit rc.local
>cd /usr/local/src/VDR; ./runvdr &
>what should I do ????
>Thanx in advance

Maybe vdr is looking for something it misses. Does it work without -d
option. Are there some errormessages? Do you have a /video with a valid
channels.conf? Do you have used a unsuported install script?

If vdr works without -d then:

Take hint 2 put there a line near the end of rc.local with the following:

open -c2 runvdr

That should start vdr on the 2. console window so you can see messages
there and also can stop vdr easyly. 

Why do you want to start vdr as a demon? To make things complicated? ;-)

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