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[vdr] Several Problems

Hi all!!

I've been using vdr for a time, and everything works greats untill a few
days ago.

I don't know why, but I can't see some channels. They works for a while
(when I and then they disappear (I can't see anything, but I can use
vdr). It happens with MTVGermany, VIVA, VIVA2. In the logs of vdr only
there are some panic level, but if I switch to RTL it starts to work

oct 10 16:55:43 ananke vdr[5017]: switching to channel 191  (IFA-TV i've
never seem it)
oct 10 16:55:47 ananke vdr[5017]: panic level: 1
oct 10 16:55:51 ananke vdr[5017]: panic level: 2
oct 10 16:55:55 ananke vdr[5017]: panic level: 3
oct 10 16:55:56 ananke vdr[5017]: switching to channel 191  
oct 10 16:59:45 ananke vdr[5017]: switching to channel 1

I have only one dish and two computers with a Nexus card each one. It
could be possible that they don't receive enough signal? I remeber that
when i use only one computer i don't have problems, but I've been using
two computers some time and I don't have problems.

The other problem and question is that I can't use kvdr in my debian
box. Before I used RedHat and kvdr works fine, but Know using debian
kvdr can't show any pictures altough I can use vdr through it. The
problem is that kvdr could not open /dev/video0. I have

jga@ananke:driver$ ls -la /dev/video0
crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root     81,   0 oct 10 16:03 /dev/video0

and don't work (obviously, because this device is not for the Nexus

y make a symbolic link like this:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           10 oct 10 17:16 video0 ->

and don't work again. Finally i create a new nod entry like this

ananke:dev# mknod -m 0666 /dev/video0 c 250 0
ananke:dev# ls -l video0
crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root     250,   0 oct 10 17:19 video0

and also dont' work. Can anybody tell me why it works with RedHat and
not with debian?

I use vdr 0.9.4 (deb package) and dvb-20020725 (compiled without any

Thanks in advanced, regards

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