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[vdr] Re: OT: ARD-Onlinekanal

Hi Thomas,

>Will there ever be an 'OpenTV compliant decoder'
>or MHP compliant decoder  (which might be
>identical?) integrated into VDR ? 

Have you had a look at what OpenTV is offering? It's
not worth looking at a second time. There is a small
asortment of games on one transponder. The OpenTV
applications that ZDF, etc offer, don't offer anything
which VDR doesn`t already have. 

OpenTV may have been a good idea, but no station has
ever put it into good use ("totgeburt" as the germans
would say). In order to program the appropriate HID 
on the VDR "side" of the stream is going to take quite
a bit of work and imho it just isn't worth the trouble.
As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure if are allowed to
do this if you don't own an OpenTV license.


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