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[vdr] Re: AW: dynamic range compression

 > changes on the compression to the dvb-s, to create that mode you will
 > have to decompress the audio stream, make your modifications and
 > recompress it - all realtime - that will be a good amount of load to
 > your cpu

> This has nothing to do with file-compression but with dynamic
> compression, limiting the volume of a audio-stream to a certain level.

Yeh, what normal people refer to as 'normalisation' .. I think the point
being made was that in order to perform normalisation, you first have to
decompress the MPEG audio into raw PCM, apply a normalisation filter, and
then output that to the Dxr3 or DVB card...

The debate was whether the card needed to have the audio re-compressed to
MPEG audio again before being played =)


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