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[vdr] EPG for Finland (HTV)


It appears none of the channels in Finland send proper EPG data, as in, they 
do send a week in advance and quite detailed, but not using the right fields.

An example:
215-E 380 1035304200 1800 50
215-T Seinfeld
215-S Kosto. George sanoo itsensä irti äkillisessä mielenhäiriössä, eikä pomo 
halua häntä takaisin firmaan. Kramer puolestaan lohduttelee ystäväänsä 
Newmania, joka harkitsee itsemurhaa - kukaan ei vain ota häntä todesta.

In other words, the description is appended to the subtitle, when there is a 
subtitle. Otherwise, the subtitle IS the description. EPG bugfix level 2 
doesn't appear to fix it for these channels.

While it would be possible to add bugfixing for it, I don't know if this is 
much of a problem, it's true that recording directories get long funny names, 
but when looking in the recording menu you get part of the description of the 
show, which is OK.

The only thing that is "wrong" is that the data is truncated, if it is just a 
little longer than the above example. So, if the EPG is complete (and the EPG 
broadcasted is not truncated itself), I'd settle for allowing longer subtitle 
strings in VDR, but I can also try to add the bugfixes for these channels 
except I am afraid I will break other channels :)

Any ideas?


PS - Sometimes EPG is in Finnish, sometimes in Swedish, does it depend on the 
source/show or can there be multiple EPG streams?

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