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[vdr] Re: VIA C3 800Mhz

On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 21:27, Gavin Hamill wrote:
>> This should be no problem since there are two mpeg decoders
>> I wonder if the DVD player is able to use the on board decoder or
>> it use only software decoding?

>The only way any Linux application will benefit from the hardware MPEG2

>decoder on the new Epia M is if it runs using VIA's binary-only Xv 
>driver for X 4.2.x.

>VIA will not be providing source for individual applications to poke 
>directly at the hardware =(

	Oh... I've runned VDR on a console based installation so without
      X-windows and want to keep it that way.
      So.. You're saying that VIA's driver will ONLY work under
      If so then I'll have to dump the idea.


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