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[vdr] Re: Time jumps

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Sergei Haller (SH) wrote:

SH> I'll write a small stand-alone C-program and see what happens, then we
SH> could take the code over to vdr.

well,  after some tests I can see, that adjtime speeds up the clock by 500
usec  per  second,  which  is,  I'd say, not acceptable (~33 minutes for a
correction  of  one  second). And there seems to be no way to do it faster
without modifying the kernel, what I definitely don't want to.

so  it  seems  that adjtime isn't that good for time adjustments (at least
for adjustments larger than one or two seconds).

but  while  we're  at  it:  what  is  the need need of `ptm' and `tm_r' in
cMJD::SetSystemTime() ?

c ya
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