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[vdr] Re: Problems with replaying

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> Uwe Heinrich wrote:
>> What is working.
>> to be honest: I had no recordings yet, therefore I can only confirm,
>> that replaying of RTL (and vox in my case) works fine with the old
>> Firmware (2002-04) and the DVB-driver 2002-12-08 from
>> I'll try to record soon and let you know.
>> Uwe
>> ...
> Just to let y'all know: if you use the old firmware with VDR 1.1.x,
> please be sure to comment out the two lines
> from dvbdevice.c, otherwise recordings won't work on full featured DVB
> cards (just had to learn this the hard way...).
Thank you, that did it. I can now record and replay all channels I 
tested with the old firmware.


> I also realized the this causes some error messages when switching
> channels (as, IIRC, somebody already reported on this list). I'll look
> into this tomorrow.
> Klaus

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