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[vdr] Re: channel switching and EPG

Reinhard Walter Buchner wrote:
> Hi Klaus, all,
> Johannes Schoeller wrote a while ago:
> > > > eg. you're watching pro7 and switch to rtl. you press the "channel up"
> > > > the EPG of pro7 is shown. but what i would like to see is the epg of
> > rtl.
> Klaus answered:
> > > Have you tried VDR 1.1.19 yet (where channel switching is done in
> > > a separate thread)?
> J.S:
> > yes, same thing
> > but i think this is not a bug, it's a feature. no joke. i guess it's my
> > fault. it's just when you enter numbers to jump to a channel, VDR waits
> > some time for maybe on more number, and after that it jumps to that
> >channel during that time the epg of the current channel is displayed.
> Klaus: have you changed this in the new version? I don't think
> this is a feature ;o)). It would be nice to see the epg of the
> channel I am switching to (like a kind of preview while waiting esp
> when using a motor dish ;o)), rather than viewing the epg info of the
> channel I am leaving. I already know what's on the channel, I am
> leaving, as I am already "there".
> Greetz,
> Reinhard

To the best of my knowledge it _does_ show the EPG of the channel you are
switching to. The only time where you may see the EPG of the _current_
channel is when you enter a channel number through the numeric keys.
That's because VDR waits half a second to see whether you are going to
type any more keys, and since the channel display comes up at that point,
but the channel has not been switched yet, you are seeing the current channel's
EPG. Once the timeout has expired the channel is switched and you will see the
new channel's EPG. If you use the Up/Down keys to switch you'll immediately
see the new channel's EPG.

So I don't see where anything should/could be changed here.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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