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[vdr] Re: Patch for New driver + Old Firmware + Remote Control Plugin

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver Endriss" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 12:48 AM
Subject: [vdr] Re: Patch for New driver + Old Firmware + Remote Control

> > How? I'm currently using M$ Outlook at my parents.
> No, you are using Outlook *Express*  :-)

Caught me! ;o) But I do not mind whether it is Outlook or Outlook Express
when missing my Evolution :o(  Schnief, ...

> > Could you upload the patch to your server?
> I could, of course. For now, I don't want to spread these things
> too much. I don't want to see even more driver versions.
> This will only increase confusion.
> I'll mail it to you as an attachment.


But I have a lot of trouble.

When using patch and Root/DPRAM from 15-April-driver, the keyboard works
fine with the repeat function.

But when using the remote I get a: "av7110_emit_key: unknown key 0xXX" where
XX is the code of the pressed key.

While recording, nothing happens, but while simply watching VDR restarts.

Any idea? (VDR-1.1.17)


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