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[vdr] Re: Audio and video out of sync

Juri Haberland schrieb:

> Matthias Ehmann wrote:
> >
> > Thomas Keil schrieb:
> >
> >> > replaying some recordings audio and video streams become out of sync.
> >> >
> >> > Did anyone encounter this behaviour as well?
> >> Try setting some parameters for the recording harddisk with "hdparm" to improve the speed.
> >> This helped me with this problem.
> > Any other ideas?
> Maybe it's a variant of the known problem that recordings from RTL cannot
>  be replayed since a couple of weeks. The current theory is that RTL
> changed something in their stream that triggers a bug in the firmware. It
> seems only be a problem of -S(attelite) cards, as I'm having no problems
> with my -T(errestrial) card.

Thanks Juri,

but I use a DVB driver from April (see my previous posting). I have no general problem with
replaying RTL recordings. The problem is the sometimes lost sync between audio aund video.

Best regards


> Search the mailing list archives for details and the workaround. It seems
> to work with an older firmware from April.
> Cheers,
> Juri

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