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[vdr] Re: DISEqC problem

Orm Bossemeier wrote:
> I have two LNB's connected to 4->1 DISEqC 1.0.
> I'm currently running VDR 1.1.20 and DVB 2002-12-08.
> I can't figure out why the DISEqC is not working. My configs look
> like this:

> S19.2E  11700 V  9750  t v t
> ...
> S5E    11700 V  9750  t v t

> My problem is that I don't get any signal from Sirius (S5E) at all.

Mini DiSEqc (aka toneburst) requires A/B commands to select 
the sat position:

S19.2E  11700 V  9750  t v W15 A W15 t
S19.2E  99999 V 10600  t v W15 A W15 T
S19.2E  11700 H  9750  t V W15 A W15 t
S19.2E  99999 H 10600  t V W15 A W15 T

S5E  11700 V  9750  t v W15 B W15 t
S5E  99999 V 10600  t v W15 B W15 T
S5E  11700 H  9750  t V W15 B W15 t
S5E  99999 H 10600  t V W15 B W15 T

For full DiSEqC sequences look into diseqc.conf in your vdr directory 
or search the mailing list archive.


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