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[vdr] Re: Stromverbrauch

Am Die, 2003-02-11 um 12.50 schrieb Matthias Raus:
> Hi,
> thanks for your answers, now I'm nearly a bit confused ... :-)
> The PC I mentioned was a rather cheap offer, so maybe they really saved 
> money in the ATX power supply. I already broke my mind with this 
> problem, and like now I always hear different opinions from different 
> people, so that I still must presume that the power supply can be the 
> cause. In my own VDR PC, there is also only a 250 Watt ATX and works 
> just fine.
> Let me tell you some more experiences I made with the AMD PC: I 
> installed the DVB hardware and software on this PC for a fellow-student 
> at my home. From my own PC  - standing right beside his PC - , I knew 
> that the signal from my parabol antenna was fine. So I don't think that 
> a DECT telephone can be the cause of the picture dropouts. However, the 
> picture disappeared in irregular sequences (sometimes 5 sec, sometimes 
> several minutes), and the log then said: "video data stream broken". 
> Programs on Windows XP on the same machine showed a similar behaviour 
> (programs even crashed).
> As I couldn't find out what the error was caused by, I brought the PC 
> back to him. Unfortunately he very seldom gets a picture at all! As his 
> signal cable is to the antenna is much longer than mine, I assume that 
> the PC cannot supply enough power to the DVB card, which therefore 
> cannot provide enough power for the LNB.
> Do you think this is realistic (for me it's the most plausible 
> explanation...)?

Ok, you have on working machine and on broken machine

-> exchange parts.

At first exchange the DVB-cards on the machines to check if they work
properly If yes try PSU, disconnect drives, ...

This way you'll find the cause.

And try on your working satelite-equipment!


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