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[vdr] Re: reccmds.conf without changing function of the red button ?

Christian Jacobsen wrote:
> Hallo,
> I am looking for a way to use reccmds.conf like descriped here :
> and here :
> But I would like to keep the old behaviour of the red button.
> If I put reccmds.conf in /video the Red button changes in "Commands" (IIRC)
> My wife will kill me if I change that - she just got used to replaying with
> the red button ;)

In hindsight I guess it was a mistake to put "Play" on the red button in
the first place, since the most natural way of selecting a recording for
replay is pressing the "Ok" button. However, at the time I thought putting
"Play" on the red button would help people who didn't think of the "Ok"

> The description of Hubertus seems like just pressing 1 in the menu starts
> the script !?

That's true. But using the red button for "Commands" in case there is a
reccmds.conf is certainly necessary, since that's the only way you can get
an overview of the commands in case you don't remember what exactly happens
if you press '1', for instance.

I suggest using the "Ok" button to start replaying.


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