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[vdr] Re: DVB-S 2.1 (Nexus) + VDR 1.2.1 crash when recording

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

So I assume this is not a "crash" (which I'd say a segfault or something
the like would qualify as) but rather a controlled restart ;-)

Wasn't there anytihng else _before_ the "emergency exit" entry in my /var/log/messages?
Something like "video data stream broken"?

After it restarted, did the recording work then?
Ok I've retest it. First the log/messages:

Jun 12 13:04:07 vdr vdr[1529]: switching to channel 1
Jun 12 13:04:14 vdr vdr[1529]: timer 1 (1 1304-1604 '@TITLE EPISODE') start
Jun 12 13:04:14 vdr vdr[1529]: record /video/@ZDF-Mittagsmagazin__/2003-06-
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1543]: ERROR: video data stream broken
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1543]: initiating emergency exit
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1529]: emergency exit requested - shutting down
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1529]: timer 1 (1 1304-1604 '@ZDF-Mittagsmagazin ') stop
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1529]: saved setup to /video/setup.conf
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1529]: exiting
Jun 12 13:04:45 vdr vdr[1529]: emergency exit!

I'm not sure but I think it "segfaults" when open the menu.

by the way I've got two DVB-S cards in my box, the nexus and a nova, but the nove isn't plugged in (since haven't buy another cable to plug it in). Is this a reason?

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