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[vdr] Re: slow channel switching with 1.2.2 Bartsch)  09.08.03 18:39

Once upon a time Rene Bartsch shaped the electrons to say...

>Am Sam, 2003-08-09 um 17.18 schrieb Rainer Zocholl:
>> Sorry if's a FAQ but i don't find a hint.
>> Upgraded from 1.0.4 to vdr-1.2.2 (linux-dvb.2003-08-01)
>> after a minor problem with channel.conf it runs, but:
>> The switching between channels lasts awfully long,
>> up to 7 seconds (or more?)!
>> Regardless if "Ch+-" or direct number entry.
>> Seems to depend of the channel choosen. (Have not found
>> a systematic yet).
>> Sometimes the OSD for that channel aready disappeared
>> but no new image is seen. Simply a back screen. 2sec later
>> the image occures.
>> Why does the channel switching last so long?
>> Under 1.0.4 the switching was as fast as on an analog TV.. (almost
>> ;-) )

>Are you using Diseqc? Have you set up diseqc.conf properly?

No. Dseq is "off".
I have to use the single-LNB patch (if that may matter:
It simply blocks changening of polarization and lo/hi while

switch from 3st to EinsMux an reverse lasts long

Some more tries:

ZDF to ARD 4sec 
ARD to ZDF  1+ sec
ZDF to 3sat 1+ sec
3sat to 1mux 4sec
1mux 1 fest <1sec
1extra 1s mdr 1s rbb br  1s rbb berlin 1s swr bw  
swr bw 4s br3 4s n3


The 7sec long i cann't reproduce currently,
but 4s are to long too.


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