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[vdr] Re: [BUGREPORT] VDR v1.2.2 and Master-Timer

> Are you sure you have set up svdrphosts.conf correctly?

Yes, a telnet 2001 works properly.

@Matthias Schniedermeyer
lstc I havent tried, but in generally it works.
By the way, whats LSTC does? (LIST what?)
LSTT is LIST TIMER? Thats what I tried and got something like 
"No timers programmed".

@Stephan Duhl
> 1. epg.dat löschen
> 2. timer.dat löschen
> 3. alle dat im mastertimer-ordner löschen
> 4. Im configfile vom MT gibt es 2 varianten auf  timer.datt 
> zuzugriefen .. nur eine funktioniert bei mir (weiss nicht mehr welche)

1) I had deleted epg.dat that was one of my first attempts.
2) I havent tried this one, but when starting vdr 1.2.2 the timer
   menu was empty. But perhaps there was a old version of timers.conf 
   in the config directory.
3) Thats something I also tried.
4) Yes ist something like "get infos over svdrpsend or read directly 
   from epg.dat". I used till now only the svdrpsend method.

> I hope you can understand _why_ I'm always asking this - 
> there are so many patches and plugins out there, which I 
> can't possibly take all into account, so I have to 
> concentrate on "plain vanilla" VDR, just as I use it here. If 
> a problem can be reproduced with _that_ version, then I feel 
> responsible.

Yes Klaus, and I could _absolutely_ understand you in that point. There
are so many patches available and thats nothing you can control. So
thats why I posted not yesterday, because I had not checked vanilla. It
is always the same with some of the beginners that they ask about vdr
with some patches and your reaction is always the same. I mean always
_polite_ and _individual_! Thats something I admire. I think I had
already a well forumlated standard reply on that topic ;-).

So FYI: I was just kidding! Thanks for your answer.
Switch of UseLSTE is the bullet 4 of Stephan?

If so it is some sort of Bug not Feature in VDR isnt it? Because it
worked with a previous version.

Thanks to all for your fast and qualified answers. I will try it in the

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