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[vdr] Re: Problems with DVB schwerdel)  16.08.03 15:03

Once upon a time Dennis schwerdel shaped the electrons to say...

>Thank you, I brought the adapter back to the vendor and he gave me
>another with which I am now able to see the convergence logo. But I
>still cant see any output from vdr. 
>When I start the dvb the logo appears and disappears after short time. 

That's OK.

>The same thing happens when I start vdr. 

That's OK too!

Do you have connected the dish?

How do you connect it?

You should see "RTL" as default.

>But I cannot see any questions prompting for keys or so.

remove the file "remote.conf" in your "video"  directory 
and restart vdr

cd VDR
killall runvdr
killall vdr


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